Adolescent, Young Adult, and Family Psychotherapy Services

Information, Consent, and Payment forms

For the convenience of new clients, we have uploaded some of the Arete intake forms to our site. Some families prefer to fill out these forms in advance to streamline the intake process. Also, if the client is a young adult and/or college who will be attending initially without his or her financially responsible party it is very helpful for us to have these forms at the first meeting. 

If you (as the new client) are a minor or you are a parent seeking help for a child under 18 then you will use the "consent to treatment of an adolescent" form. If the client is over 18 then use the "young adult" form. The Informed Consent & HIPAA form is for you to keep, returning only the signature page to us. Please read the Credit Card Policy Letter because it explains why we need to have an active credit card on file for all clients even if they choose not to use it for payment.